The District recognizes its duty to promote the health and safety of students, staff and citizens on district property and during school-sponsored activities. In accordance with this responsibility, it is the intent of the School Board to establish a tobacco-free school environment that demonstrates a commitment to helping students resist tobacco use and that emphasizes the importance of adult role modeling.

The use, possession, or promotion of tobacco on school property by students, employees, vendors, visitors and invitees is prohibited. Students and employees are also prohibited from using or promoting tobacco at school-sponsored activities off school property. Students participating in school activities are also subject to such rules as may exist pursuant to an applicable activity code of conduct.

For the purposes of this policy:

  1. “Tobacco” means any substance or item, in any form, containing tobacco and electronic nicotine delivery devices (e-cigarettes), which may not contain tobacco;

  2. “School property” means all district-owned, rented or leased buildings, grounds and vehicles;

  3. “School-sponsored activity” means any planned, organized, endorsed, or supervised activity involving district students or staff that occurs either before, during or after regular school hours;

  4. “Promotion” means the use or display of tobacco-related clothing, bags, lighters, or other material that is designed to encourage the acceptance or use of tobacco.

* A student in violation of this policy, first offense, shall be required to complete a written assignment. The assignment is for the purpose of helping the student understand the consequences of tobacco use. It shall be given to the building principal or principal’s designee, will be grade appropriate for purposes of length and content, and may include, but is not limited to, research on South Dakota QuitLine. Students violating this policy on subsequent occasion(s) shall be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to district policy.

District employees in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action. Visitors, vendors and invitees in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate consequences, which may include being directed to leave school property.

The superintendent shall provide reasonable public notification of the district’s policy within student and staff handbooks.

Notes: A school district may prefer to use the following paragraph related to student discipline as it authorizes but does not require the administration to assign a written assignment.

* Students violating this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action pursuant to district policy. A student in violation of this policy may also be required to complete a written assignment. The assignment is for the purpose of helping the student understand the consequences of tobacco use. It shall be given to the building principal or principal’s designee, will be grade appropriate for purposes of length and content, and may include, but is not limited to, research on South Dakota QuitLine.