Notice of all regular meetings of the Board will be given to the press, the public and all Board members. Dates of regular meetings of the Board will be provided in annual announcements made available in printed form to the news media and the public, following the setting of the dates, times and place of Board meetings at the annual meeting.

Public notice shall be given by posting the proposed agenda on the schools website and in a place that is visible, readable and accessible at least 24 hours prior to any meeting. The notice shall be posted at the building in which the school board holds its meeting. Local news media that have requested notice will be notified in person, by mail, email or telephone. Meetings conducted via telephone conference call are subject to the public notice law.

Except in rare emergencies, notification for all special, rescheduled meetings will be sent to the media in time for the public to be notified at least 24 hours in advance. When 24 hours printed notice of a special meeting cannot be given to the public, the business manager will make every effort to make the meeting known to the public through other channels.

All Board members will be personally notified by the business manager of special meetings in sufficient time to allow each member’s presence.

Notes: This sample policy reflects the general substance of the state law. A Board could adopt a policy that states more specific reasons for convening executive sessions, such as to discuss teacher salary negotiations, student disciplinary problems or the purchasing of building sites.