The minutes of the meetings of the School Board are the written permanent records of the school district. The business manager will keep minutes of all the official actions of the Board. The minutes will include:

1. A record of all actions taken by the Board, with the vote of each member recorded except in cases of unanimous votes.

2. Resolutions and motions. This will include a detailed statement of all expenditures of money, with names of persons to whom payment is made for service rendered or goods furnished; a detailed statement of receipts, and balance on hand; and expenditures and receipts of trust and agency funds.

3. A record of the disposition of all matters on which the Board considered, but did not take action.

4. The salaries of all employees will be published after the July organizational meeting, and total payroll by department monthly.

The unapproved minutes will be available for inspection by any person within 10 business days after the meeting.

Within 20 days after a Board meeting, minutes of the meeting will be published in the local newspaper, as in accordance with law. The business manager will sign each legal publication submitted to the newspaper.

The Board will approve the minutes of every meeting within 45 days after that meeting. The presiding officer and the business manager will sign the minutes of all regular and special meetings after approval by the Board. Any change or correction in the minutes will be reflected in the minutes of the meeting at which the changes are made.

Following each annual school election held pursuant to §13-7-10, the school board, within 60 days of the official canvas, shall include in the school board minutes the following information:

  1. The number of registered voters of the school district on the date voter registration closes;

  2. The number of registered voters of the school district who voted in the election;

  3. The percentage of registered voters of the school district who voted in the election;

  4. The date of the election, and if the election was held in conjunction with a regular municipal election as provided in §13-7-10.1 or with the regular June primary as provided in §13-7-10.3.

If the annual election was not held because there was not a contested vacancy for the school board and no question was submitted to the voters, the school board shall provide that information in the school board minutes.

All minutes will be open to inspection by the public during the regular office hours of the business manager.