All district property, including, but not limited to, real estate, buildings, offices, desks, storage areas, lockers, computer systems and equipment, voice-mail, and vehicles, is owned by the district, and is intended for educational purposes, and district business, at all times.

Individuals using district-owned property (system users) shall have no expectation of privacy when using school property. The district reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store (at any time and without notice) all usage of district property including computer and computer systems, including all internet and electronic communications access and transmission/receipt of materials and information. All material and information accessed and/or received through district computers and computer systems shall remain the property of the school district.

System users have no right of privacy and should have no expectation of privacy in materials sent, received, or stored in district-owned computers or on the district system or within the physical area of the district. School officials reserved the right to review district system/property use at any time to determine if such use meets the criteria set forth in school board policies and district regulations. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the system and physical plant may lead to the discovery that the user has or is violating district policy or law. Once a problem is discovered, an individual search may be conducted. The search/investigation will be reasonable and will be in keeping with the nature of the alleged misconduct.

Employees or students violating acceptable use of district property, or policy, may be subject to disciplinary action by the Superintendent or designee, depending on the nature of the violation.