School personnel shall not administer prescription or nonprescription medication to students unless appropriate administration cannot reasonably be accomplished outside of school hours. For purposes of this policy, the term "medication" includes both prescription medication and nonprescription medication, but does not include medical cannabis. The administration of medical cannabis shall be in accordance with the Board's policy on administration of medical cannabis to qualified students. Students will not be permitted to take medication while at school unless the administration of such medicine is coordinated by the school district nurse acting under specific written request of the parent or guardian and under the written instructions of the student's physician. When such a request is made by a parent or guardian, a full release from the responsibilities pertaining to the administration and consequences of such medications must also be presented to the principal by the student's parent or guardian.
Parent/guardian requests to store and/or administer prescription or nonprescription medications to students must be in writing, on a Consent for Medication Administration District Form. The Consent for Medication Administration must be completely filled out, signed and dated by the parent/ guardian. The Consent for Medication Administration must be renewed annually. Any product that could be considered a drug, including “natural remedies”, herbs, vitamins, dietary supplements or homeopathic medications will be managed as a prescription medication. These products would require a written order from a physician or licensed health care provider and completion of a Consent for Medication Administration by the parent/guardian.
When medication is brought to school for a student, the student's teacher, building principal, nurse or secretary will be made aware that the student will be taking medication. If a child has medication at school without prior notification the parent/guardian will be contacted. Medications should be transported to and from school by a parent/guardian.
All medications must be stored in a locked medicine cabinet, managed by the school nurse or school personnel trained in medication administration. Prescription medications to be stored and/or administered must be in the original pharmacy labeled container. The label must specify the student's name, name of the medication, name of physician/licensed health care provider, the date of the prescription and the directions for use. If the dosage of the medication is changed by the physician/licensed health care provider, a new bottle must be received from the parent and a new Consent for Medication completed. Non-prescription medications to be stored and/or administered should be in the original container.
It is the responsibility of the student to come to the office to take his/her medication. Any student who uses the medication in a manner other than the manner prescribed may be subject to disciplinary action.
Prescription medication administration may be delegated only to those individuals who have successfully completed the training program as required by law. No school employee, other than the school nurse, shall be required to be trained by a licensed health care profession for the purpose of being trained in the administration of prescription medication, or shall be required to administer prescription medication, without the employee’s prior written consent.
Updated and APPROVED by Sioux Valley School Board – 09/13/21