Here is the live stream for today's HS BWR. BEC/LCC Tny at Montrose.
Thank you

Saturday- Feb 8th- HSBBB-Tiospayre Topa just informed us they can play Varsity only.
No C or JV game- Varsity only at 4:30pm.
Parent's Night will be Sat- Feb 15th vs Parker.
Thank you,

Here is the stream link for tonight's Girls WR Quad- 5pm start.
Thank you,

Stream linik for HS GBB & C Boys at Dakota Valley today. 4:45pm start
All Games will be broadcast on NFHS Network- www.NFHSnetwork.com Varsity games will be livestreamed on https://fan.hudl.com/usa/sd/north-sioux-city/organization/19940/dakota-valley-high-school
Thank you

Here is the stream link for HSBBB vs DeSmet at the Pentagon. 7pm start. It is pay per view. There are games all day.
Thank you

Here is the link for tonight's HSGBB games vs Lakota Tech
Thank you

Here is the stream link for the HS Hoops DH at Beresford today. 4pm start.
Thank you

Here is the stream link for MS BBB at Madison. 4pm start
Thank you

Here is the stream link for HSGBB tonight at DeSmet. 615pm JV followed by Varsity
Thank you

Here is the stream for tonights HS Boys wrestling Triangular at Britton. 5pm start
Thank you

SV Elementary is having a BOOK FAIR! February 10-14th!

Here is the stream link for HS Boys WR at Kingsbury Cty today 10am start.
Thank you,

Here is the stream link for the HSBBB games- Hanson Classic-
It is $15 to watch all day.
SV plays MOPO at 11:30am
Thank you,

HSGBB/HSWR Stream Link- Both Home Events-Both Srreams are located-
WR 5pm start
Hoops- 6:15pm start
Go Cossacks!!!

Here is the stream link for tonight's MS/HS BBB games at White vs Deiubrook
5pm (7th Grade only), 6:15pm JV, Varsity to follow
Thank you,

Kudos to Sunny Hesby, senior at Sioux Valley, as her ceramic sculpture "Untitled" is featured on DAKOTA NEWS NOW for the Augustana High School Invitational! A public reception is held on Feb. 7 from 6- 8 pm, with awards at 7:30.

HS WR Streami-
A link had not been provded- Here are the ones to try in the event they are livestreaming.
Thank you,

Streaming info for DH Hoops at Chester- 4pm start.
JV games will be streamed on
Varsity will be on LiveTicket https://flyers.liveticket.tv/
Thank you

Here is the stream link for tonight's HSBBB vs Pine Ridge (H)
5pm C Boys, 6:15pm JV Boys, Varsity Boys to follow.
Thank you,

Here is the stream link for tonight's HSBBB games vs MCM (H)- 6:15pm start
Thank you,